About Into Careers
Basics applicable to all careers 🌱
Departmental goals.
Master the basics of career entry or advancement. A key focus is the first impressions, i.e., from professionally designed CVs to industry-appropriate cover letters.
Guidance is provided throughout the materials so that the basic elements are understood and can be engineered.
The goal is to allow users to use leading materials in an effective way.
Whether you’re a recent graduate or an experienced professional seeking a career transition, getting the fundamentals right is a non-negotiable.
Design, self-marketing, and competency with UX increasingly reflect candidates as competitive in the modern environment.
These resources prioritize modernization and contemporary design elements without comprimising on correct formatting and convention.
The tools are constructed to allow you to present yourself in a way that aligns with latest industry or design trends without comprimising on quality.
All content is curated and reflects the changing demands of employers.
10 key cover letter templates
Cover letter templates that you should be using across different styles in DOCX and PDF format.
- Curated and tested based on legal, academic, and professional letters.
- Access to a library of cover letter templates.
- Guidance and square-bracket inputs for your writing, addresses, and more.
- Downloadable DOCX and PDF formats.
- Adjustable and customizable to your story or ready to use straight away.
10 key CV templates
A range of CV templates to fit your preferred presentation in DOCX and PDF format.
- Curated and tested based on job, interview, and recruiter feedback from across leading companies.
- Access to a library of CV templates.
- Guidance and square-bracket inputs for your roles, timelines, and more.
- Downloadable DOCX and PDF formats.
- Adjustable and customizable to your experience or ready to use straight away.
Try the dashboard for free
Access a free list of all the finance companies you would want to apply to.
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Stripe is used to process payments.
Pay for what you need. No rolling subscriptions. If you need a bespoke plan, you can reach out.
Given that these are digital products, no refunds can be issued after purchase. If you have technical issues, please reach out.
To access your resources, you use the dashboard.
New features, APIs, and integrations are coming for developers soon. For example, for enterprise clients looking for multiple users.
You can sign up and access a free list of of 300+ finance companies—all the companies that you would want to apply to and organise your search.
We will soon be integrating with various applications, where users can do more with their resources.